Monday, June 9, 2008

Isn't it still marriage?

A gay pastor has been united with his partner for the first time in the U.S.

Reverend Gene Robinson decided to be united to his partner of 20 years over a year ago. The ceremony was kept small and private because of security concerns.

New Hampshire's law grants gay couples the "rights and responsibilities of marriage, which includes inheritance and other rights enjoyed by married couples."

Doesn't this mean they are married? Why are we calling it a "civil union?"

This is just one more way we can see liberal theology and politics being pushed by trying to not garner attention. Even though it is called a civil union it is marriage, plain and simple. The Bible does not agree with this kind of marriage. A marriage is explicitly between a man and a woman. "and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and will be united with his wife, and the two will become one flesh’?" (Matt 19:5). Another verse speaks similarly, "That is why a man leaves his father and mother and unites with his wife, and they become a new family" (Genesis 2:24). These verses do not leave room for a man-man or woman-woman relationship to be considered for marriage.

There has been much controversy regarding Robinson's posting to the Bishop of New Hampshire for the Episcopal Church. "Conservative Anglicans worldwide have denounced his consecration and called for repentance."

Traditionally, the Church has considered homosexual relationships to be a sin. This is the same as any sexual immorality. Sex outside of the purpose God created it for, is sin. God created sex for Procreation, Recreation, and Unity. These 3 purposes are only truly fulfilled in the context of a monogamous heterosexual marriage relationship.

Scripture is clear in its treatment of homosexuality, as it is clear in its treatment of any sexual immorality. Homosexuality is wrong according to the Bible, and therefore according to God. Two great articles on this can be found here and here. Stand to Reason also has many resources regarding this issue.

Anytime any "new ideas" or "revelation" comes forward which explains away a traditional sin, a good place to look is 2 Timothy 3. In this chapter Paul explains to Timothy that we should hold onto traditional, Biblical teaching. Greg Koukl explains this best at

We need to stand strong, and not let the empty philosphies of man try to sway our opinion from the Biblical perspective. Let us pray for Rev. Robinson, and his partner.

The side to truth always wins.

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