Sunday, June 22, 2008

This Week

I will be "on assignment" at Wheatstone Academy this week. Just kidding... I am really there to observe. But I do not know if and when I might be able to post. We shall see!

Friday, June 20, 2008

This just in: No TV is not the end of the world!!!

I am almost a month into my no-TV experiment. We have not had any kind of TV signal in our house for a little while.

It has not been as tough as I had originally thought it was. I have spent a lot more time reading and preparing my curriculum for next year. Also, there has been a lot of time for blogging (which I thoroughly enjoy and think is much more worthwhile.)

The one thing I have not been able to do, that I have wanted to do more of, is add to the spiritual disciplines. I really need to work these into my life. I know they will benefit my walk with God. If you remember if you could be praying for this I would very much appreciate it.

Psalm 79: All for His Glory!

Psalm 79 is written during a low point in the history of the Israelites. The temple has been destroyed, as well as Jerusalem. The Psalmist pleads with God to be vengeful, retributive against the enemies who destroy.

This Psalm begins, very graphically, by explaining what has happened: Enemies have, invaded your chosen land, polluted your holy temple, they have made blood flow like water, and no one can bury the dead.

What is interesting is the Psalmist seems to blame fellow Israelites for this. He asks, "How long will this go on, O Lord? Will you stay angry forever? How long will your rage burn like fire?" I thought the Lord would be angry with the enemies, but this seems to make it seem God is angry with Israel, and because of this God has let these enemies attack the country.

He goes on later, "Do not hold us accountable for the sins of earlier generations!" Clearly, the Psalmist is arguing for Israel being the reason for the lack of protection by God.

But then the crux of the passage is expressed. The Psalmist asks for God to help, for His own glory. "Help us, O God, our deliverer! For the sake of your glorious reputation, rescue us! Forgive our sins for the sake of your reputation! Why should the nations say, “Where is their God?” Before our very eyes may the shed blood of your servants be avenged among the nations!"

This is amazing! I am learning about this more and more. Everything God does is for his glory. It even seems as though we can appeal to God on this ground. He will save because it glorifies Himself.

The Psalmist appeals, "Why should other countries be able to talk bad about you God? Show them your vengeance. Forgive us because it will glorify you!" The more I think about this, the more I am struck by its importance. John Piper had a commentary just today on this concept at

The Psalm ends by a promise of the Psalmist that if God will save them they will forever thank Him.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Its over, or maybe a one game playoff?

Tonight is the night. Tonight we see if the Lackers... sorry the Lakers have anything left in the tank. Tonight we see if the Celtics are everything and the Lakers are nothing. Tonight Laker fans either look to next year (what a front line that will be, and with Kobe too) or they look to Thursday.

Tonight is huge for a sports fan like me. But Thursday would be bigger.

Praying for the leaders in the country: Psalm 72

My exploration of scripture has led me to Psalm 72.

Psalm 72 is a prayer for the leader of Israel. Most likely this was Solomon at the time. This prayer is so the king will lead well. If the king leads well the people will prosper.

This psalm is a perfect example of the If-then principle. This means there is a correlation referenced in the Psalm. In other words... the psalmist says... if this happens then this will happen. This is not a hard and fast rule, but instead just a general application to life. If this then this will most likely happen.

The if is the psalmist asking God to bless the king "with the ability to make just decisions!
Grant the king’s son the ability to make fair decisions!"

Almost the whole rest of the psalm is focused on the then. There is quite a list of things that will happen. Here is just a short number of what will happen if the king makes just and fair decisions:

1. People will be fairly judged
2. The less fortunate will be defended
3. People will fear God
4. The godly will flourish
5. There will be peace
6. The needy will be rescued

There are many other things that happen if the ruler makes good, wise decisions.

The Psalm finishes by praising God who "alone accomplishes amazing things" and "deserves praise forever"

To apply to today, do we pray for our leaders? Do we ask God to help them make wise, just decisions? Do we ask Him to help them be help to the weary and oppressed? We should. If we do we might be able to see the end of this Psalm come to fruition.

"May his majestic splendor fill the whole earth!"


Monday, June 16, 2008

A misplaced plea

An article on planet wisdom calls for women to dress more modestly during the summer.

Josh Wiehagen explains even though girls want to fashionable, "I can’t say I’m always completely impressed with the . . . coverage."

He goes on to write about how Christians are called to a very tall standard. We are called be completely pure. We are to flee sexual immorality.

Wiehagen's point is that its hard enough to be sexually pure when ladies are completely covered, let alone when they are wearing things which are made specifically to make lust happen. (Mini-skirts and low-cut shirts ARE made for this reason, no matter how much we pretend they are not. For example, a girl might say, "I just want to look good." This begs the question, "For whom?")

I agree with Wiehagen, girls do need to think about the reaction they are really getting. As he points out, "what my flesh would like to see is not what I need to dwell on. And if you think about it, it’s not what you’d want me to dwell on, either." If girls truly thought about the reaction they are getting, they would want to cover up more.

Unfortunately, I think Wiehagen's plea is wrongly focused. I don't think modesty should be asked for, instead it is beauty. I think Wiehagen is actually asking for beauty and he doesn't even know it. This is why he ends with this scripture:

“Don’t be concerned about the outward beauty that depends on fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should be known for the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God. That is the way the holy women of old made themselves beautiful.” (1Peter 3:3-5, NLT)

There is a huge difference between modesty and beauty. While being modest is important, it is also subjective. It changes from person to person, and context to context.

Don't believe me? Try this... can a 3 year old baby run around without a shirt on? Or is it immodest for certain rural tribes' women to not wear shirts? We can easily see both of these situations are not immodest, but this same situation would be very immodest in certain contexts.

Beauty on the other hand is objective, not subjective. Beauty has a standard.

Again, you may not agree, but I think you should. You might think, "Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder." No it is not. Plain and simple. And you don't want it to be either.

If beauty is in the eye of the beholder then there is no standard to strive for. Anything anyone does/wears can be beautiful to them. I am sorry for the blunt and vivid picture coming, but to take the roof off of this argument, I don't know anyone who would say a murderous rape and rampage is a beautiful thing. And the people who might say it is beautiful are probably insane.

But there is a standard for beauty. It is God. He is the Beauty all beauty strives to be like. And if we keep this in mind, we realize this is really what we are appealing to when we ask ladies to "be more modest." We are asking them to dress up to the standard God wants. Look amazing! God looks amazing! Your relationship with God will be beautiful, when you are trying to please him, and this radiates off you. True Beauty is more an experience, and being in line with God's wishes for how we look, sound, interact in our daily lives. When we are in true alignment with the purposes God made for us we are being a reflection of the harmony of the Holy Trinity.

So, again, I would love ladies to wear more, but because of Beauty, not because of modesty. Modesty is a good thing, but is so much less satisfying then striving for true beauty.

A very good commentary on the nature of beauty can be found in a 9 part series by John Mark Reynolds.

On Reading the Bible (Well) pt II

A few days ago I wrote about reading the Bible well. I have noticed people have not been taught how to read the Bible for everything it gives. Instead we are stuck in a world of privatization, where the only application from scripture is for the individual. The problem with this is God revealed the Bible for everyone. Scripture has an original meaning, and we need to understand what God's intention for the message was. Without this we can fall into the trap of internal faith without any real base to stand on.

With this in mind we looked at Revelation 3:14-22. We discovered many people misinterpret this passage, and it can be disastrous for some believers. I have actually heard pastors say God would rather us be completely against Him if we are not going to be "on fire" or "sold out" for Him.

We examined the passage and found, within the context of the time, this is probably not what God was saying at all! Instead, God wants us to stay close to Him the source of being cool and refreshing, or hot and therapeutic. Jesus was using a cultural aspect to show the citizens of Laodicea that they were not close to Him anymore. No, they were far from Him, like lukewarm water, they tasted nasty to Jesus.

How can we avoid this problem? How should we read the Bible?

I have found there are 5 basic, and easy, steps to be able to read the Bible well.

1. Read the passage!

Read the whole passage. Don't just read a verse. Verses are meant to be seen in the larger context of a message.

2. Understand to whom it is being written.

If the passage is directed to exiled Israelites, it might have different cultural considerations then if it was written to brand new Christians in the 1st century.

3. Determine what God was saying to the people He was speaking to.

With the context and culture in mind we can probably understand more about what God was telling them.

4. Seek out and extract the transcendent (timeless) principles.

As mentioned earlier, God's word is written for everyone. It is sufficient for a knowledge of saving grace. If we can see both the cultural and scriptural context then we can see what is the principle God is communicating to everyone.

5. Apply this transcendent principle to the culture and life you live.

We can take what God has told everyone, and apply it to the ways we live. This will ensure we are at least trying to connect with the body of believers.

Christianity is not a private religion. It does have private aspects, but always within the context of the community/church (the body of believers). In order for this to work, we need to see what God wants everyone to know.

In part 3: The 5 Steps applied.

Psalm 67

Ah, today we have a short chapter: Psalm 67.

This song is an urging to thank the Lord for all he has done.

I am struck most by the fact the Psalmist asks for God's blessing on his people. God loves to give His people good gifts and we should ask for them.

It often seems we tip toe around asking for great things from God. Why is this? God is a loving Father; what loving Father doesn't love to give his children good gifts?

Bless us Father, Bless us God.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Psalm 62

I am in the middle of a bunch of Psalms which cry out for the mercy of God.

Psalm 62 is no exception to this. In this Psalm the writer calls for God's protection, he has enemies plotting against him.

David warns men not to trust in their evil ways, or the ways they try to gain apart from God. David knows if we live apart from God, all the wealth in the world will not produce what it promises to produce. Sin never follows through.

This Psalm caught my eye because of the last two verses though. They are different than the other verses before.

"God has declared one principle; two principles I have heard: God is strong, and you, O Lord, demonstrate loyal love. For you repay men for what they do."

God is powerful and hold us accountable for how we live. This is a scary thought. We are not perfect, and God's standard is perfection (Himself). This is why we need a savior.

Lord, help me to remember my need for a savior.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

On Reading the Bible (Well) part 1

Too many of my students have no idea how to read the Bible (well). Unfortunately, this is not limited to younger students, but most people don't read the Bible for all it is worth.

We have privatized our religion so much we do not understand the principles in the Bible are meant for everyone, not just a subjective interpretation. We explain what the Bible means in light of what we already believe, or in light of a wrong interpretation because of our cultural influences, not the intended culture.

There are so many examples of this it is hard to pick just one, but if I must, I must.

Today's culture loves to say we "want to be on fire for God." I have no problem with people wanting to be on fire for God. In fact, in light of what that means in today's society, I think being on fire for Him would be a very good thing.

Unfortunately, we should not let this kind of cultural context skew the principles set forth in the Bible.

In Revelation 3:14-22, John writes the words of Jesus to the church in Laodicea. Christians commonly misinterpret this passage and come to what can be a disastrous conclusion based on this misinterpretation. The main verses in question are 15 and 16:

"I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either cold or hot! So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I am going to vomit you out of my mouth!"

The common interpretation of this passage is that God wants us to be "on fire" for Him, or not for Him at all. Can you see where our cultural influence comes in? Do you think all cultures have used "on fire" to mean spiritual fervor for God? Is God really saying He would rather have people against Him completely, then to mess up and only try to follow Him sometimes?

Horribly, believers have bought into this interpretation of the passage, but this is probably not what it means!

Laodicea was a landlocked city. They had no water source of their own. Because of this they needed to pipe in their water from two nearby towns, Colossae and Hierapolis. The water in Hieropolis was warm and used as medicine. It came from a natural hot spring. The water in Colossae was cool and refreshing. You might think of a cool mountain spring.

Laodicea did not have either warm or cool water. Instead, by the time the water reached Laodicea, it would be lukewarm and nasty. This is the kind of water people might actually spit out.

With this in mind it makes much more sense to see the passage as meaning we should stay close to our source (God) and do the job he has given us. We can be people who are refreshing, or people who heal, but if we stray from our source (again God) we will become lukewarm and nasty. Does God want us to be "on fire" for Him? Of course, but He also doesn't say he would rather us be against him if we are not "on fire."

The study of this passage has made it obvious we need to be more careful to interpret passages correctly, in the context they were intended.

In part two we will learn the easy steps to remember what to do in studying a passage.

The 57th Psalm

Today's adventure in scripture was provided by Psalm 57.

This Psalm is a plea for God's protection.

I am always amazed at the things David will make songs about. You could almost say David is one of the first people to make angry, almost hard-core-like lyrics.

I lie down among those who want to devour me;
men whose teeth are spears and arrows,
whose tongues are a sharp sword.

Yep, David has a way with words.

In this Psalm, I am struck by David's confindence in God at the end. The situation with his enemies has not been resolved yet, but David acts like it has.

I am determined, O God! I am determined!
I will sing and praise you!
Awake, my soul!
Awake, O stringed instrument and harp!
I will wake up at dawn!

David knows God will take care of his enemies. Notice it does not say God what way God will take care of it, but that He will.

David ends with one of the most amazing requests anyone can make of God:

"May your splendor cover the whole earth!"

Let it be

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I am genuinely disturbed

A couple days ago STR linked to a Todd Bentley video.

Here are some highlights of the post, New Movement of the Spirit. So What?

Melinda begins by wondering why so many people who call themselves Christians have acquired a taste for the weird. "A lot of Christians have a taste for the weird, as though the weirder something is the more likely that the Holy Spirit is behind it. The Spirit could be behind some weird things, but it's sure not a sign of the Spirit's working."

Melinda then uses an argument from Greg Koukl explaining why we can never be left behind if we don't grab onto these new movements of the Holy Spirit. Even if the Spirit is in this so what?

We know what we need to know to live spiritually fulfilled lives. It is recorded in scripture. This is essentially what Paul is telling Timothy in II Tim 3:10-4:8. When we live according to Scripture we cannot go wrong. Holding to orthodoxy might possibly be the most important way to keep from being led astray by empty philosophies and deceitful arguments.

Why does Bentley not use scripture in his sermons (at least the excerpt we have seen)? We need to able to test and approve what is of God, and what isn't. God can work in anyway he chooses, but as for me I will hold to the orthodoxy of Christianity, because I know I cannot go wrong with Christ. I think it was C. S. Lewis who first pointed out to me (again I think in Mere Christianity) that in Christianity we should always be striving to find out what the original idea was. If it is new it is wrong... it is no longer Christian.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

This could be it

Tonight might be (in actuality) the last chance for the Good Guys.

The Lakers need to play desperate ball tonight. If they go down 3-0, we can smooch them goodbye.

But on to something you don't know.

Being a young 'un, my only memory of the Magic-Bird era, is a sweet memory. Magic's hook shot... need I say more?

Cool story

This is a cool story.

It is always nice to see history unearthed.

Not the only one thinking about TV

Mark Matlock has posted an article about TV. This article is enlightening and encouraging to me in light of my ongoing escapade to see what happens without a constant TV source in my life.

He bigins by telling of a realization he had. He has watched over a months worth of ER! He has seen every episode, and has watched over 300 hours. Unfortunately, this is not the only show he watches. The TV is a life sucking force!

Mark closes with two verses about laziness: Ecclesiastes 10:18 and Proverbs 12:24.

Mark states he will not fully give up TV, but will be more careful about his consumption of it.

I am just glad to know I am not the only one.

The ongoing quest for truth- Psalm 51

One of my favorite passages in the Bible is found in Psalm 51.

David is repenting of the sin he has committed against God. He has been confronted by Nathan as to his sin with Bathsheba, not to mention the murder of Uriah. Psalm 51 is the natural outpouring of a guilty man who has realized his filthy heart compared to the perfect God.

I think this passage is a great example of our reaction if we truly understand our sin and God's holiness.

One can never go wrong by beginning everyday by repenting for the ways we depart from the ways of God. If I can remember to sing the song written after verses 10-12, I think my heart will be more focused on hearing God's will for my day.

Create in me a clean heart, O God
And renew a right spirit within me
Cast me not away from Thy presence O Lord
Take not thy Holy Spirit from me
Restore unto me, the joy of Thy salvation
And renew a right spirit within me


As a side note, I find it interesting when David talks about the Holy Spirit. Is this the Holy Spirit we think of? Often it seems we equate the HS with only arriving at the day of Pentecost, but this passage (and Isaiah 63:10-11) seem to suggest the HS was also present before this time. Hmmm... something to chew on.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Isn't it still marriage?

A gay pastor has been united with his partner for the first time in the U.S.

Reverend Gene Robinson decided to be united to his partner of 20 years over a year ago. The ceremony was kept small and private because of security concerns.

New Hampshire's law grants gay couples the "rights and responsibilities of marriage, which includes inheritance and other rights enjoyed by married couples."

Doesn't this mean they are married? Why are we calling it a "civil union?"

This is just one more way we can see liberal theology and politics being pushed by trying to not garner attention. Even though it is called a civil union it is marriage, plain and simple. The Bible does not agree with this kind of marriage. A marriage is explicitly between a man and a woman. "and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and will be united with his wife, and the two will become one flesh’?" (Matt 19:5). Another verse speaks similarly, "That is why a man leaves his father and mother and unites with his wife, and they become a new family" (Genesis 2:24). These verses do not leave room for a man-man or woman-woman relationship to be considered for marriage.

There has been much controversy regarding Robinson's posting to the Bishop of New Hampshire for the Episcopal Church. "Conservative Anglicans worldwide have denounced his consecration and called for repentance."

Traditionally, the Church has considered homosexual relationships to be a sin. This is the same as any sexual immorality. Sex outside of the purpose God created it for, is sin. God created sex for Procreation, Recreation, and Unity. These 3 purposes are only truly fulfilled in the context of a monogamous heterosexual marriage relationship.

Scripture is clear in its treatment of homosexuality, as it is clear in its treatment of any sexual immorality. Homosexuality is wrong according to the Bible, and therefore according to God. Two great articles on this can be found here and here. Stand to Reason also has many resources regarding this issue.

Anytime any "new ideas" or "revelation" comes forward which explains away a traditional sin, a good place to look is 2 Timothy 3. In this chapter Paul explains to Timothy that we should hold onto traditional, Biblical teaching. Greg Koukl explains this best at

We need to stand strong, and not let the empty philosphies of man try to sway our opinion from the Biblical perspective. Let us pray for Rev. Robinson, and his partner.

The side to truth always wins.

Salmonella Tomatoes?

McDonalds has stopped serving raw tomatoes because of a link to salmonella.

Does anyone go to McDonalds for the tomatoes?

Experimental Withdrawals

So, we are on our second week of No-TV! I have not found it hard, but only frustrating. I have only watched two things in the past two weeks. I visited my parents to watch both NBA finals games.

I have found more time to read, but I am realizing how much time I really did fill up with the BOOB-TOOB. After a little while in the day I run out of things to do. I really am quite pathetic if I cannot fill my day without TV.

Gotta keep working at it.

The 47th Psalm

My ongoing adventure into the scripture has brought me to Psalm 47 today.

This is a Psalm made to praise God and thank Him for what He has done. (By the way, thanking and praising are two different things. You praise God for who He is, but you thank Him for what He has done.)

I am struck by the specificity of the ways God thinks about His people. Verse 4 says God picked out their land specially.

God has authority over all the earth.

Through my readings of the Psalms I am more and more convinced we should praise Him at all times, not just when we "feel" like it.

Friday, June 6, 2008

A plea for help and forgiveness-- Psalm 39

Psalm 39 caught my attention today.

This is a song of sorrow and pleading. David is realizing the darkness of his heart and how his life is far too short to make up for the problem.

David cries out to the only being who can truly understand his plight.

“O Lord, help me understand my mortality and the brevity of life! Let me realize how quickly my life will pass. Look, you make my days short-lived, and my life span is nothing from your perspective. Surely all people, even those who seem secure, are nothing but vapor. Surely people go through life as mere ghosts. Surely they accumulate worthless wealth without knowing who will eventually haul it away.” (4-6)

David has tapped into a profound truth. We live too short! Our lives are not long enough for us to save ourselves. We need to find redemption in something outside ourselves.

The truth is, no matter how long we could possibly live we cannot live long enough to help ourselves. When the standard is God (perfection), once perfection is lost it can never be regained. That's the nature of perfection... it can never be less then perfect, or else it will never be perfect. The only thing we can hope in is something outside of us, more powerful than us, and perfect to redeem us.

In verse 12, David also abandons all stoicism. He pleads with God, "Hear my prayer, O Lord Listen to my cry for help! Do not ignore my sobbing!" This is an example of how we will respond if we truly know the separation we have created from God for ourselves. To be unholy in God's presence has only one true response, a sobbing heart and pleading mind.

Anni of D-Day

On this day in 1944, allied troops invaded a European beaches, forever changing the worst war this world has yet seen.

The courage of men sent by their countries to fight has never ceased to amaze me. No matter your stance on the war in Iraq, a quick prayer for those in service is always appropriate.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Lakers Fall, Pau Gasol, and a faker named Paul

Pierce is a faker. Brilliant move, but I am sure most people who are carried, and then wheelchaired, are usually hurt and don't come bouncing back. Really got the gullible Boston crowd into it though, and a win is a win.

Pau disapeared a little near the end. He can't do that... he needs to be a cog in the offense.

Even though the Lakers couldn't pull it off tonight, I think they showed sunday's game will be theirs.

Just to get attention for an ubsubstantiated claim

A man climbed a 52 story building today. What some people will do just to get attention to their cause.

Once at the top of the building the man brandished a banner stating "Global Warming kills more people than a 9/11 every week."

How, exactly, do you quantify how many people global warming kills? I am not against the cause to "save the environment," but I don't think it is possible to quantify how many people die each week from global warming, because global warming, by its own nature, cannot kill.

Global warming does not kill anyone! Storms, heat, or other environmental factors might kill people, but not global warming.

We have had storms, and heat waves long before we have known about "global warming." People have died because of natural disasters for at least as long as I have been alive. How do we know which storms are because of global warming? Can you point to a storm and say, "this storm wouldn't have happened if we didn't have climate change?"

Out climber might have been better served if he climbed the building and shouted, "SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT!" He sure would have had his intellectual integrity intact.

Photo from AP.

Hmmm... Psalm 34

Today's venture into Scripture brought me Psalm 34.

This is an amazing Psalm of praise to the Lord. The introductory sentence suggests this was written by David after his encounter with King Achish of Gath in 1 Samuel 21:10-15. There is some speculation because Achish is not named; instead the word Abimelech is used. This may just be a title (like King, or Majesty).

David exudes oodles of confidence in this Psalm. He has witnessed the Lord's provision in keeping him from harm. David makes so many bold statements of praise. I want to focus on just three of these statements.

In verse 3 David exclaims, "Magnify the Lord with me! Let’s praise his name together!"

What a confident exclamation! David proclaims people should magnify the Lord with him! Magnify means to increase or make greater. How can a human make the God of the universe, the God in whom we live, move and have our being, greater? It is very presumptious of David to make this statement, but it doesn't mean he shouldn't try. David wants to glorify God by making Him known to all people. One way to do this is to help others see God, and what He has done, even more. We should all follow David's brashness.

"Taste and see that the Lord is good!" is the next statement I want to note.

This comes in verse 8. David is making a profound statement about the reality of God. He is not distant! He is able to be experienced. There are few experiences we understand more than taste. Taste is palpable. God can be experienced in this way as well. But in order to understand, we have to actually test it out. No one understands a fine wine until having trusted that people are right when they say there is no taste experience better. In the same way, a continued testing of what the Lord has to offer will leave one with an understanding of a finer life.

Lastly, (though not exhaustively) I want to focus on verse 10. "Even young lions sometimes lack food and are hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing."

Those who seek the Lord lack no good thing??? Can this be true? Do those who know and follow God have everything? Certainly not! Anyone can see that Christians fall on hard times just as much (and sometimes more) than non-Christians. So what does David mean by this? David is contending for the prodigious providence and fulfillment knowing God brings. When one truly knows and experiences life with God, then one truly lacks nothing, because God is all that is needed. A life with God is lacking in nothing, because we were created for the purpose of knowing and glorifying Him.

There are many more nuggets of wisdom in this passage of scripture. Some, like verse 10, are true, but hard to trust. Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Is This Really It?

I have been contending the current atmosphere in the Democratic Party is truly giving the Reps a fighters chance.

This should be an easy race for the Dems, but with the speculation floating around, and the earlier (and current) backbiting within party lines, I do believe they are leaving the door open for McCain.

We will see what happens if Hilary really does concede on Saturday.

The Escalation Continues

More urges to attack Isreal by militant people.

Things have really been coming to a point.

Prayer is important right now.

This can't be good for either Isreal or peaceloving muslims.

What is truth?

STR has opened a discussion on how the so called New Atheists are actually helping Christianity in a blog post called The Four Horsemen.

These men are complaining about the privatization of religion. People often will not even let their religious ideas be questioned which is a product of the separation of the realm of knowledge and the realm of religion. Because of this separation, religious people now feel no need to defend their religious beliefs because there is really no truth in them, instead it is only preference.

Christianity is founded on truth. If the New Atheists bring us back to a culture which has a worldview including verifiable religious claims it can only be good for Christianity, which is a religion with a foundation of a historically verifiable fact at its center: the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Again, is this good for the party?

A friend of mine has blogged about the possibility of an Obama/Clinton ticket.

I see the Democratic party as increasing in suspicion and infighting. Can this be good for the general election?

As I blogged yesterday, I am not sure this level of speculation is good.

This should be a landslide year for the Dems, but they seem to be more and more wanting to make it close. As John Mark Reynolds has explained, multiple times, in a close race anything can happen. Is this good for the party?

On Psalm 33

Today brought me to Psalm 33.

This passage is to be a reminder to us to praise the Lord. We must remember what He has done. We should sing a new song (3). This is awesome. God wants us to be creative and praise in new ways. This is because He is always giving new mercies and new levels of grace.

In order, this Psalm reminds us God has: done only fair and just things; stayed faithful; created the heavens, universe, stars, and the waters; He spoke the world into existence; frustrated the plans of man; decreed events; watched us from where He lives; formed our hearts and kept record of our lives; noticed those who follow Him; saved and sustained lives; and has delivered.

He still does this today! Our reasonable response is a life devoted to Him.

Praise Him!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Experiment Begins

This last week my wife and I decided we will not be recieving any Television Signals in our home for quite some time. We have canceled our cable, and do not have rabbit ears. I wonder how this will go.

I hope this turns out to better me as a person, but I honestly do not know what will happen. I love TV and Movies, but I think I will be better able to experience real life without the life-sucking influence of the TV in my life.

Guess I need to learn to interact with the world again... (insert sinister music here)

This can't be good for the party campaign, can it?

Clinton will not concede today.

This kind of back and forth can only marginalize the party base right?

I don't know. I am really curious.

Bold Faced Terrorism

Today the President of Iran predicted the future.

He has said the Nation of Israel will be destroyed, even if his own country is not able to perform the task.

I don't know if this makes anyone else scared at the audacity of someone like this, but for someone to be this bold takes a very seared conscience.

This reminds me of the stories of KKK leaders openly calling for the destruction of darker skined people. The only difference here is that a leader of a Nation is doing this.

Daily Scripture- Psalm 30:

Today I read Psalm 30.

This Psalm begins with David praising the Lord. He is singing of the wonderful things God has done. This culminates in David declaring, "For his anger lasts only a brief moment,
and his good favor restores one’s life"

Next David tells of the terror of God's wrath. "Then you rejected me and I was terrified." For a man who was a shepherd and fought lions and bears with only a staff and slingshot, I do not think he takes the term "terrified" lightly.

Then David cries out for mercy. He pleads, "Hear, O Lord, and have mercy on me!
O Lord, deliver me!"

When God responds to David's cry, we see David praising the Lord Almighty. He informs us, "So now my heart will sing to you and not be silent; O Lord my God, I will always give thanks to you."

Two things really stand out about this passage to me. First, David's insistence of God's goodness and grace given to all mankind. In verse 5, David declares God's anger only lasts for a moment, but God's grace and goodness can restore life. This is a declaration of God's love overcoming his anger.

Second, I am struck by the fact that David was right about always giving thanks to God. David's words, even today, are still praising God. Those who follow God live on in the legacy they leave. God blesses those who follow. David is also praising the Lord in heaven.